Thursday, October 06, 2005

Kesel ama Blog

pas banyak ide buat nulis,...
blog ini nggak bisa diakses,...



Anonymous said...

Media reacts to 'passionate' Bush
BBC News, Washington Commentators from across the political spectrum are drawing different conclusions from President Bush's latest speech in which he defended his Iraq strategy and called for patience.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

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Come and check it out if you get time :-)

za said...

Wah kena blogspammer nih. Ubah dulu setting-an komentarnya Isz.

Kalau susah masuk blog, tulis di notepad dulu aja. Jadi nanti tinggal copy-paste.

Mang Roisz said...

oke, thanks Zak.

tapi kadang dengan limitasi commenter,... terasa kurang terbuka...


tapi daripada kena blogspammer, mending dibatasi sih,...
